Impacts of changes in cost of living on health and wellbeing
Between July and September 2024, we asked people to share their experiences of changes in the cost of living and any effects these may have on their wellbeing.
We wanted to learn whether increases in day-to-day living costs impacted on people’s physical and mental wellbeing, affected any behaviours or decision-making, including their use of health, care or wellbeing services.
People were able to complete the survey online, in print or over the phone and 413 shared their feedback with us.
Read our report here
We heard
- 69.0% of respondents said their overall quality of life was negatively impacted by cost-of-living increases, including relationships with family and friends; delivery of care or receipt of care; and participation in education, training or work, and 52.6% expect their financial situation to get worse over the next 12 months.
- 68.3% said their mental health was impacted by changes in the cost of living, including: increased personal worry about family and friends; anxiety, stress, depression, and in some cases suicidal feelings; social isolation and reduced self-confidence resulting from fewer recreational activities and social interactions.
- 59.6% said their physical health was impacted by changes in the cost of living, including less regular and smaller meals, and greater consumption of processed foods, combined with reduced exercise/recreation leading to weight gain/loss, lethargy and impacts on health conditions; reductions in self-funded self-care such as supplements, medication, and use of health professionals.
- 65.4% were using heating less and not turning it on when they usually would.
- 44.1% were avoiding going to the dentist due to cost.
- 33.3% had cut down or stopped physical activities.
- 26.2% were not buying products to support self-management of health conditions
What we did
Between July and September 2024, our 15-question survey asked East Sussex residents to tell us how cost-of-living changes were affecting them.
We asked about three specific areas:
1. Effects on people’s day-to-day lives
2. Changes in people’s behaviour or choices
3. Impacts on people’s use of health and care services
The survey was promoted through our website and social media channels, via local networks, and by partners including East Sussex County Council, NHS Sussex and members of the East Sussex VCSE Alliance. People were able to complete the survey online, in print or over the phone. 384 people shared their feedback and experiences with us.
Alongside our main survey, we also developed a shorter hard-copy version using our core questions, which we used when engaging people face-to-face at public events and locations, including food banks and community networks. 29 people gave us their feedback through this method.
Our recommendations
We identified 12 recommendations from the feedback we received, all aimed at improving the experiences of people facing challenges due to increases in the cost-of-living.
In summary, these seek:
• Clear, consistent and unambiguous communications from statutory and voluntary sector partners to raise awareness of the support mechanisms available for people affected changes in cost-of-living, including the NHS Low Income Scheme, and support resources collated by East Sussex County Council.
• Work to explore how support schemes for travel to health and care appointments may provide upfront financial support for those on low incomes, rather than operating solely on a reimbursement basis.
• More information and practical support for local people around accessing healthy food.
• Progress on initiatives to maximise access to NHS dental appointments in East Sussex.
• Further targeted engagement to hear the experiences of cost-of-living increases on different demographic, social and ethnic groups in East Sussex, ideally ‘meeting people where they are’.
Next steps
As the public champion for local health and care services, Healthwatch East Sussex will continue to work in partnership with commissioners and providers to monitor the experiences of patients and the public in accessing health and care services locally and explore how ongoing improvements may be delivered.
We will also send it to East Sussex County Council, NHS Sussex, Healthwatch England and others to share this insight and encourage its incorporation into future initiatives.
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Tell Us Your Experiences
Please tell us your experiences of local health and care services via our Feedback Centre and let us know how this has been for you.
We want to hear if it has been good, bad or indifferent.
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If you need help or support related to health or care, then please contact our Information & Signposting Service via
0333 101 4007 or enquiries@healthwatcheastsussex.co.uk