Welcome to Healthwatch East Sussex

Healthwatch East Sussex gather people’s views of health and social care services in the county and make sure they are heard by the people in charge.

The people who fund and provide services have to listen to you, through us. So, whether you have had a good or bad experience, your views can help to make changes to services in East Sussex.

Our work covers all areas of health and social care. This includes GPs, hospitals, dentists, care homes, pharmacies, opticians and more. Join the conversation by sharing your experience or take a look at how you can get involved.

We also provide a free information and signposting service to help people access, understand, and navigate the health and care in East Sussex.

More information can be found by clicking here or calling our enquiries line on 0333 101 4007.

Feedback Centre for Health and Care services

Our Feedback Centre provides a unique opportunity for you to tell us, providers and the public your experience of using health and care services in East Sussex. 

We want to hear whether your experience has been good, bad or indifferent.

We use your reviews to understand where services are working well, and where they can be improved.

Visit the Feedback Centre

Young Healthwatch

Young Healthwatch East Sussex is a youth voice group set up to shine a spotlight on the health and care issues that face children and young people across our county.

We combine traditional youth work practices with creativity, technology, and youth leadership, to create an exciting and engaging program for local young people to act as community ambassadors and support our projects and campaigns on children and young people’s health topics.

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Our 2023/24 Annual Report

We are delighted to share ‘The value of listening’, our Annual Report for 2023-24.

It highlights how we have listened to the voices of the public, patients and partners and used people’s feedback, experiences and preferences to help shape health and social care in East Sussex, and across Sussex.


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Latest News

Tell us your experiences of hospital outpatient appointment letters

October 4, 2024

  Healthwatch routinely carries out short surveys to gather the views of people about health and social care services. This … Read more

NHS Sussex want to hear from local people about their experiences of health and care services.

October 9, 2024

NHS Sussex would like to know how people living in Sussex currently feel about local NHS health and care services. … Read more

Stoptober 2024

October 4, 2024

Stoptober is a national campaign calling on smokers in England to join the 2.5 million others who have made a … Read more

Our reports

We regularly review the experiences you told us through public events, surveys, Feedback Centre and Information & Signposting enquiries.

Healthwatch uses your feedback with health and care decision-makers to seek a positive difference, and this document sets out the issues you raised and any changes you have helped us to deliver during September 2024.

By Healthwatch East Sussex

In September 2024, Healthwatch sought experiences of hospital discharge, the process of supporting people to leave hospital effectively after treatment. 

The hospital discharge process should ensure:

  • patients and the people most important to them are engaged in the process
  • transfer out of hospital is safe, appropriate, and timely
  • communication is clear on next steps and how to access support
By Healthwatch in Sussex
Healthwatch in Sussex hospital discharge

We are delighted to share our Rye Listening Tour, One Year On Report.  

Throughout September 2023 we conducted a Listening Tour across Rye and Rural Rother to meet people where they are and capture their experiences of local health and care.  

By Healthwatch East Sussex
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For detail on how we use your data please view our privacy policy here.