The Healthwatch East Sussex Information and Signposting (I&S) Service helps people to access the right health or social care service or organisation for their needs.
Each month we feedback on the themes and issues people have contacted us about.
We share this information with you and with health and care providers to help develop and improve the services.
This month we heard:
- From people unable to find an NHS dentist accepting new patients, including those whose dentists are no longer seeing NHS patients and for whom private treatment is not affordable to them. We also heard some experiences of poor dental care and treatment.
- Ongoing challenges with access to GPs, including a lack of access to face-to-face appointments.
- Mixed stories about hospitals, including a lack of follow-up care, issues related to discharge and issues around prescriptions.
- Issues related to assessments for Adult Social Care, and the quality of care at nursing homes.
Tell us your experiences
You can leave a review of health and care services in East Sussex each and every time you use them via our Feedback Centre. This only takes a few minutes and helps commissioners, providers and Healthwatch understand how services are performing.
The Healthwatch East Sussex Information and Signposting (I&S) Service helps people to access the right health or social care service or organisation for their needs. In addition, the I&S service also enables people to share their experience or make a complaint about services they have used.
To contact our Information and Signposting Service please call: 0333 101 4004 or
View the report
Click the link below to download the report
Information and Signposting Service: Enquiries during February 2023 | Download File (pdf 169.96 KB) |