Share for Better Care Week Launches
This Share for Better Care Week, take three minutes to share your experience of health and social care.
Your voice plays a vital role in making services better, and sharing your story is quick and easy. In the time it takes to boil the kettle or wait for the bus, you can make a real difference.
You can share your story in as much or as little detail as you like. It can be about anything, from something as large as your journey through cancer treatment to smaller experiences like the meals you had in hospital.
Every story matters, and every story, good or bad, helps us to understand what works and what could be better when it comes to your care.
Why it matters
When you share your experiences, Healthwatch takes them to NHS leaders and others who make decisions about care. The more people who share their story, the clearer the recommendations Healthwatch can make.
How do I get involved?
To share your story, you can:
Visit our Feedback Centre
Call: 0333 101 4007
Email: enquiries@healthwatcheastsussex.co.uk
Write: Unit 31, The Old Printworks, 1 Commercial Rd, Eastbourne, BN21 3XQ