Coronavirus advice and updates from a range of organisations, plus information in a variety of formats. Send updates for East Sussex to

Alcoholics Anonymous

Find a meeting online

In The Rooms

A global recovery community

National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society

What we know so far

National Autistic Society

Information about coronavirus

NHS Blood and Transplant

Information about blood donation

South East Local Enterprise Partnership

Latest updates


redistribute surplus food to over 10,943 charities and community groups. If your organisation uses food to support people then you can sign up to receive food too.

Step Change

Debt and coronavirus

Alzheimer’s Society

Information for people affected by dementia

Alzheimer’s Society local services update

Local Alzheimer’s Society teams continue to provide information, support and guidance to those who need it. To ensure the wellbeing of our service users, volunteers and staff, we have made some changes to how this support is provided. This may change depending on future government guidance, but at present the following is in place in your area:

Direct support for people affected by dementia:

  • All face-to-face and home visits have currently been suspended.
  • We will increase the number of keeping in touch telephone calls with service users to help support their wellbeing and guard against isolation.
  • We will be extending the operating hours of our national Dementia Connect Support Line. Trained advisors can be contacted via 0333 150 3456 for advice and guidance.

Group support:

  • All local group sessions have been suspended.
  • We are working with our volunteers to develop ways to continue to support group members via other methods.

 Online support:

  • Advice and guidance on a range of issues is available on our website.
  • We would encourage people to join Dementia Talking Point. This is our online community where people affected by dementia can receive valuable support from people in similar situations.

Further support:

  • People with questions about what they should be doing and how they should be interacting with people living with dementia at this time can access this guidance.
  • Any community groups or individuals that wish to support vulnerable adults during this time can contact Alzheimer’s Society for information and guidance. This includes how to access our online Dementia Friends awareness sessions.

Alzheimer’s Society contact details:


Telephone: 0333 150 3456

Cocaine Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous

In The Rooms

A global recovery community

Terrence Higgins Trust

Coronavirus and HIV

National Kidney Federation

Advice for renal patients


List of mental health helplines
Changes to mental health legislation under the coronavirus bill
Apps to manage your health and wellbeing


Healthwatch England

Coronavirus is affecting my mental health – what can I do?


Campaign to End Loneliness

Coronavirus and social isolation



Coronavirus and your wellbeing
Plan for staying at home or indoors


Independent Age

Regular phonecalls for older people


CALM – Campaign Against Living Miserably

Helpline and webchat for men of all ages


The Silverline

24/7 helpline for older people  who want a friendly chat



Supportive online community run by Mind for people experiencing mental health difficulties



Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year


Isolation and loneliness


Mental Health Foundation

Looking after your mental health during the outbreak
Podcasts for your wellbeing


National Survivor User Network

Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak


British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

Coronavirus anxiety: how to cope if you’re feeling anxious about the outbreak


World Health Organization

Coping with stress during the outbreak


Beat Eating Disorders

The Sanctuary is an online group created specifically in response to the coronavirus and subsequent social distancing & anxieties this could lead to for people with an eating disorder. A safe space for people with an eating disorder to share concerns and advice on how they are coping with the pandemic


Rethink Mental Illness

Coronavirus: Advice for carers of those with severe mental illness


Mental Health Foundation

Supporting your mental health while you have to stay at home


Anxiety UK

#Coronanxiety support and resources

MS Society

MS and coronavirus

Coronavirus overview


NHS 111 service for coronavirus

Find out what to do if you think you have symptoms. To protect yourself and others, do not go to a GP, pharmacy or hospital.


Guidance on social distancing for everyone in the UK and protecting older people and vulnerable adults

Age UK

Coronavirus information for older people
Practical ways to help older people

During this period of social distancing, it’s vital to keep in mind those who need us the most. This includes older people, who may be feeling uncertain and in need of help from others. Here are some ways you can be doing to help your older relatives, friends and neighbours, whether with practical stuff like their shopping, or keeping their spirits up at a time things feel challenging and unsettled.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

Information about coronavirus for pregnant women and their families

At a time of panic and uncertainty, it’s vital that you avoid misinformation and use only credible sources of information to help you feel more in control. We’re aware of fake information and scam emails in circulation, so on our website and social media channels we make sure to share only trusted, verified information. But if in doubt, rely on information from:

The Government

Friends Against Scams

Age UK

Practical ways to help older people

During this period of social distancing, it’s vital to keep in mind those who need us the most. This includes older people, who may be feeling uncertain and in need of help from others. Here are some ways you can be doing to help your older relatives, friends and neighbours, whether with practical stuff like their shopping, or keeping their spirits up at a time things feel challenging and unsettled.


Independent Age

Regular phonecalls for older people


Campaign to End Loneliness

Coronavirus and social isolation



Coronavirus and your wellbeing
Plan for staying at home or indoors

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England

Supporting your mental health while working from home

Living With Hearing Loss

Your COVID-19 Hearing Loss Survival Guide


Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)

Coronavirus update


Guidance on social distancing for everyone in the UK and protecting older people and vulnerable adults


Age UK

Practical ways to help older people

During this period of social distancing, it’s vital to keep in mind those who need us the most. This includes older people, who may be feeling uncertain and in need of help from others. Here are some ways you can be doing to help your older relatives, friends and neighbours, whether with practical stuff like their shopping, or keeping their spirits up at a time things feel challenging and unsettled.


British Lung Foundation

What’s the difference between self-isolation, social distancing and social shielding?

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