Healthwatch In Sussex
Who are Healthwatch
Healthwatch East Sussex is your health and social care champion.
We’re here to listen to and understand the lived experiences of people who use health and social care services in the county.
We are one of 150 local Healthwatch who provide an independent voice for patients and the public on health and care issues with local decision-makers to help improve services. We can also help you find reliable and trustworthy advice and information.
We work hard to ensure that all sections of the community are represented in decision-making processes and that your views are listened to, recorded and reported.

Healthwatch in Sussex
Each local Healthwatch has a focus on the needs of their local populations. However, where there are issues which have a Sussex-wide impact, we work together with other local Healthwatch to strengthen our impact.
As Healthwatch in Sussex, we collaborate with the other Healthwatch across Sussex (Healthwatch Brighton and Hove and Healthwatch West Sussex) to ensure the experiences and views of people in East Sussex influence decisions made about service at a wider Sussex level.
Working together, we have collected Sussex people’s views on:
Healthwatch in Sussex also conduct monthly polls to capture Sussex people’s views on range of topics. Our most recent polls have your experiences of:
To find out more about the local Healthwatch involved please use the contact details below:

Healthwatch Brighton and Hove:
Phone: 01273 234 041
Post: Healthwatch Brighton and Hove, 113 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XG

Phone: 0333 101 4007
Post: Healthwatch East Sussex, Unit 31, The Old Printworks, 1 Commercial Road, Eastbourne, BN21 3XQ

Phone: 0300 012 0122
Post: Healthwatch West Sussex, C/O Help & Care, A49 Aerodrome Studios, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 3TS