From September to December 2024, Healthwatch talked to people in Lewes and the Havens about primary care, social isolation, social determinants of health, and what supports their wellbeing.

By Healthwatch East Sussex

This report outlines the key findings from this activity:

  • There are pros and cons of digital access to primary care, including issues of limited capacity, out of hours, and concerns about who is triaging digital enquiries.
  • Social prescribing could play a key role in local Integrated Community Teams, and help less confident people access social groups and activities.
  • There are limited community and voluntary transport links to the Havens, which can impact on hospital discharge.
  • People want to do activities for fun without the purpose of improving health and wellbeing. Lewes Men’s Shed could help provide benches along walking routes.

Healthwatch will publish a wider report once we have completed our Listening Tour of East Sussex later in 2025”

View the report

Click the link below to download the report

2024-25 Listening Tour Area Report: Lewes Download File (pdf 840.27 KB)

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