Each month we feedback on the themes and issues people have contacted us about.
We share this information with you and with Health and Care providers to help develop and improve services.
The monthly I&S Service report provides an overview of the enquiries received, which includes information on the number of enquiries received, as well as the method of contact, main themes, and location of enquiries.
This month we heard:
- people in East Sussex have expressed frustration with accessibility of GP appointments and waiting times.
- that dentistry remains a key cause of concern for many local people, with people reporting that they were unable to access and NHS dentist.
- from people struggling to access mental health services.
The Healthwatch East Sussex Information and Signposting (I&S) Service helps people to access the right health or social care service or organisation for their needs. In addition, the I&S service also enables people to share their experience or make a complaint about services they have used.
To contact our Information and Signposting Service please call: 0333 101 4004 or
Email: enquiries@healthwatcheastsussex.co.uk
Twitter: @HealthwatchES
Facebook: Facebook.com/HealthwatchESussex
View the report
Click the link below to download the report
Information and Signposting Service: Enquiries during July 2022 | Download File (pdf 128.82 KB) |