We regularly review the experiences you told us through public events, surveys, Feedback Centre and Information & Signposting enquiries.
Healthwatch uses your feedback with health and care decision-makers to seek a positive difference, and this document sets out the changes you have helped us to deliver during July 2023.
Our activity in July
You Said:
A dental patient told us their NHS dentist told them their root canal could not be undertaken by them on the NHS and would need to be provided privately by another dentist.
We Did:
We shared NHS information highlighting that root canal treatment is available on the NHS as a Band 2 treatment. We also contacted the NHS England Dentistry commissioning team to clarify this and shared the confirmation.
You Said:
We heard from someone whose mother had diabetes and the start of an ulcer on her foot, but wasn’t registered with a GP.
We Did:
We provided details of which local GP surgery to register with, and information on a drop-in clinic providing same day appointments so they could access prompt treatment.
You Said:
A patient wanted to move GP surgeries as their current one is challenging for them to access due to their dementia and they were seeking support and advice on how to do so.
We Did:
The preferred surgery was out of the patient’s catchment area, so we engaged with the patient about their rights and supported them to contact the GP allocations team and also offered information on dementia and support for carers.
You Said:
An enquirer was seeking an NHS dentist for their elderly mother who has Alzheimer’s, but had so far been unsuccessful in finding one accepting new patients.
We Did:
We gave contact details of the Sussex Dental Helpdesk, the HWiS dental guidance on how to navigate NHS dentistry and information on additional local NHS dentistry sessions.
Tell us your experiences of local health and care services
We always want to hear the experiences of local people when they use health and care services.
You can share your experience by leaving a review on our Feedback Centre at any time and tell us how things were for you. What was good and what could be improved?
You can also share your experience or seek further support with health and care enquiries from our Information & Signposting service via:
Email: Enquiries@healthwatcheastsussex.co.uk
Telephone: 0333 101 4007 Monday – Friday (10am-2pm)
View the report
Click the link below to download the report
HWES - 'You said - We Did' - July 2023 | Download File (pdf 58.93 KB) |