We regularly review the experiences you told us through public events, surveys, Feedback Centre and Information & Signposting enquiries.
Healthwatch uses your feedback with health and care decision-makers to seek a positive difference, and this document sets out the issues you raised and any changes you have helped us to deliver during September 2023.
Our activity in September
You Said:
We heard from a spouse who felt their partner was discharged too soon from hospital and without support, leading to a fall, further complications and a long-term return to hospital.
We Did:
We shared details of the PALS team and process for submitting a formal complaint to the hospital trust, as well as the HWES Guide to Complaints, details of Independent Health Complaints Advocacy and the CQC for escalation if required.
You Said:
A patient got in touch to tell us how well they had been treated by their GP practice, after moving from one elsewhere, highlighting how responsive, friendly and professional they are.
We Did:
We passed on this positive feedback to NHS Sussex, so they were aware (as service commissioners) of the practice’s positive performance from a user perspective, and so it could be shared with staff at the practice.
You Said:
We heard from an individual who was unhappy with the service provided by their GP practice. They asked us if it would be possible for them to move to a different nearby practice.
We Did:
We contacted colleagues at NHS Sussex who told us that the individual lives in the catchment area for 3 GP Practices, so they have the option to register with a different practice. We shared this information with the patient.
You Said:
We heard form a parent who was concerned about their child’s diet. They had approached their GP but nothing had happened and they didn’t know what to do.
We Did:
We shared details of how to make a self-referral to the East Sussex School Health Service which focuses on the health and well-being of school-aged children, including healthy eating.
Tell us your experiences of local health and care services
We always want to hear the experiences of local people when they use health and care services.
You can share your experience by leaving a review on our Feedback Centre at any time and tell us how things were for you. What was good and what could be improved?
You can also share your experience or seek further support with health and care enquiries from our Information & Signposting service via:
Email: Enquiries@healthwatcheastsussex.co.uk
Telephone: 0333 101 4007 Monday – Friday (10am-2pm)
View the report
Click the link below to download the report
HWES - 'You said - We Did' - September 2023 | Download File (pdf 59.90 KB) |