We are delighted to share ‘Together we’re making health and social care better’, our Annual Report for 2022-23.
It highlights how we have listened to the voices of the public, patients and partners and used people’s feedback, experiences and preferences to help shape health and social care in East Sussex, and across Sussex.
We have undertaken a range of projects and initiatives over the last 12 months to engage with a diverse range of individuals and communities living in different areas of East Sussex, and worked hard to share these experiences and preferences on health and care services with commissioners and providers so that they focus on meeting the needs of local people.
Activity and Achievements
During 2022-23 we:
- shared our insight and key messages through a diverse range of local, regional and national partnerships and boards, including the East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board and Sussex Health and Care Assembly
- undertook our annual Listening Tour in Eastbourne to gather experiences and views from local people and shared these to influence local services
- raised awareness of challenges people face in accessing primary care, especially GPs and NHS dentistry, as well as acute and community services
- gathered and shared insight on people’s experiences of memory loss and dementia, long COVID and NHS 111
- researched the effects on people’s health and wellbeing of living in temporary and emergency accommodation
- directly supported 467 people with enquiries through our Information & Signposting service
- published 27 reports detailing insight and recommendations that were shared with commissioners and providers to inform health and care service development
- shared advice, guidance and information via our website, social media and bulletins to raise awareness of health and care issues
- drew on 222 days of Healthwatch volunteer time in the development and delivery of projects
Comment from our Executive Director, Veronica Kirwan
“During the last 12 months, we have worked hard to capture public and patient voice to support services in understanding their needs and in evolving their commissioning and delivery locally. This has taken place during a time when there are significant pressures on health and care, with the additional challenges that increases in the cost-of-living are having on both the public and service providers.
We wish to thank everyone who has shared their views and experiences with us over the last year and our partners from all sectors for collaborating with us on a wide range of initiatives. We look forward to continuing and maintaining our relationships and fostering new ones.
I would like to thank our staff, board members and volunteers for their considerable efforts in delivering our projects and programmes, and in putting the views of the public at the heart of health and social care decision-making locally.”
Healthwatch East Sussex 2022-23 Annual Event: ‘Your Voice Counts’
This year, our 2022-23 Healthwatch Annual Event ‘Your Voice Counts’ not only provides people with the opportunity to learn more about our work from this year and contribute to our plans for the future, it also celebrates ten years of Healthwatch in East Sussex.
The event is taking place on the 13th July 2023 at The View Hotel in Eastbourne, so click here to book your place.
Priorities for 2023-24
Our comprehensive and exciting programme of work for 2023-24 is already well underway, and is focused on delivering our four annual priorities:
- Listen and engage with people
- Understand the impact of pressures on health and care services
- Embed a focus on equality and diversity in our projects and increase the voice of seldom heard communities
- Explore the effects of social determinants on health and wellbeing
Our engagement roadshows at public events throughout June and July, and planning for our Listening Tour in Rye and the surrounding area during September 2023 is being progressed.
Do come and talk to us to share your views and experiences or share them via our Feedback Centre.
Who we share our report with
Our Healthwatch annual report has been submitted to Healthwatch England, alongside reports from all local Healthwatch in England. We also share our report with East Sussex County Council as the commissioners of the local Healthwatch service, and with a wide range of our statutory and voluntary sector partners across East Sussex.
Electronic copies of the report are available via the link below, and hard copies are available on request.
For media enquiries about Healthwatch East Sussex, please contact Veronica Kirwan, Executive Director, on 07794 100 291 or via veronica.kirwan@escv.org.uk
View the report
Click the link below to download the report
Healthwatch East Sussex - Annual Report - 2022-23 | Download File (pdf 3.11 MB) |