Local Healthwatch push for openness around the Sustainability and Transformation Planning for Sussex and East Surrey
Today’s news reflects the concern local Healthwatch has been expressing. The high-level plan, aimed at addressing what needs to change to meet the ever-increasing demand for local health and social care services, was resubmitted to NHS England on 21 October 2016 and yet the public, we believe, are largely unaware of this an what this may mean to them in the future.
Continuing to keep local people (staff, patients and the public) at arms-length will mean that any plans, good or bad, will potentially be rejected. Local Healthwatch is calling for local leaders to find a way, now, of helping people understand the need for change and work together to involve people in this change.
A report by the Kings Fund on how STPs are being developed in practice can be read here STPs in the NHS – Kings Fund Report