NHS Digital Platforms
In our June newsletter we ran a poll asking people to share their experiences of using NHS Digital Platforms, including NHS 111 Online, the NHS App, My Health and Care Record and eConsult.
We heard from people who were not aware of these platforms, some who were aware but not used them and others that wanted further information about them.
We have pulled together some information about these platforms to help everyone understand:
- What they are for
- Who they are for
- How you can access them
NHS 111 online
NHS 111 allows people to find out how to get the right healthcare in their area.
NHS 111 online will not give you a diagnosis, but we will direct you to the best place to get help for your symptoms. People visiting 111.nhs.uk, enter their age, sex, postcode and main symptom(s) and are then asked a series of questions about their health problem.
They can:
- find out how to get the right healthcare in their area, including whether they need to see a GP or seek urgent care
- get advice on self-care
- get a call back from a nurse, doctor or other trained health professional if they need it
The service is available across England.
For more information please visit: https://111.nhs.uk/
All GP practices in England and the Isle of Man are connected to the NHS App. This means that anyone aged 13 or over and registered with a GP practice in England or the Isle of Man can use it.
The App can be downloaded on an iOS (Apple) or Android device. You can also access the same services by logging in through the NHS website in a web browser.
The NHS App enables you to:
- get health advice using the health A-Z on the NHS website
- find out what to do when they need help urgently using NHS 111 online
- choose your organ donation preferences
- choose whether the NHS uses your data for research and planning
- show others the details of your COVID-19 vaccine (or vaccines) when travelling abroad
- find NHS services nearby
Additionally, if you register and prove who you are, you can:
- order repeat prescriptions and view, set or change the pharmacy you want to collect your prescriptions from (known as your nominated pharmacy)
- view your GP health record securely
- manage your first hospital or clinic appointment with a specialist, if you are referred by your GP through the NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS)
- sign up for updates about participating in health research
In participating NHS Trusts, you can access a single view of all your hospital appointments and manage those appointments where appropriate.
No Sussex Trusts currently participate, but if you are a patient at another Trust you may be able to access your records. You can find the participating Trusts over on the NHS Digital website here.
For more information please visit: https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-app/
My Health and Care Record
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust use a system called ‘My Health and Care Record’
‘My Health and Care Record’ is an online system where you can view your hospital appointment letters and clinical letters on internet enabled devices (phones/computers/tablets etc.).
Once you have signed up to the system, you will receive all future correspondence this way, keeping all your personal information securely, in one place.
You can also now access test results from laboratories at the Conquest Hospital and Eastbourne DGH online.
For more information please visit: https://www.esht.nhs.uk/my-health-and-care-record/
E-onsult is an online platform used by some GP websites to support remote consultations.
You complete an online form to describe your symptoms and are directed to an appropriate treatment pathway without needing to speak to a health professional in the first instance.
eConsult is just one online consultation platform that surgeries can use. Your GP surgery may use one or more providers to deliver online consultations. The providers are commercial organisations, that provide a service on behalf of your GP surgery.
Other platforms similar to eConsult that your practice may use, include Engage Consult, Accurx or others.
Visit your surgeries website or speak to staff to see if they are offering an online consultation platform.
For more information about online consultation services, such as eConsult visit the NHS website here. https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-app/nhs-app-legal-and-cookies/nhs-app-privacy-policy/online-consultation-services/
Healthwatch East Sussex Information and Signposting Service
For help navigating health and social care services and support groups near you please contact our free and independent Information and Signposting Service.
Contact us by:
Telephone: 0333 101 4007 Monday – Friday (10am-2pm)
Email: enquiries@healthwatcheastsussex.co.uk
Freepost: Freepost RTTT-BYBX-KCEY, Healthwatch East Sussex, Greencoat House, 32 St Leonards Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 3UT (no stamp required).
To share feedback on health and care services in East Sussex any time, visit the Healthwatch East Sussex Feedback Centre here.