RoundTable and 41 Club donate money to Pevensey ward
Eastbourne RoundTable and 41 Club have donated £4,000 to Pevensey Ward at Eastbourne DGH in memory of former member Barry Cheshire who died in September 2015. The money, raised through holding three football tournaments, was in appreciation for the care and treatment he received on the ward. Representatives from Eastbourne RoundTable and 41 Club presented the money to doctors and nurse on the ward.
Geoff Fillery on behalf of Eastbourne RoundTable and 41 Club said: “This donation is in recognition of the great care the doctors and nurses provide patients. In particular, the care they offered our great friend Barry Cheshire in his last few weeks before he passed away.”
Matron Arturo Lazaro said “We would like to thank Eastbourne RoundTable and 41 Club for raising this money which will be put towards improving the care and facilities that we can offer to patients and their families.”