Survey of Maternity Services Users
The Trust’s maternity department is undertaking a survey to help gain a greater understanding of the views and opinions of women and their families who use local maternity services. This will help to develop a vision for the future and improve the experiences of those who use maternity services.
Gaining the views and opinions of maternity service users is part of the response to the recent inspection by the Care Quality Commission which recommended a programme of improvements in maternity.
Jenny Crowe, Head of Midwifery said, ‘This survey will help us to identify improvements which will help address some of the recommendations from the recent CQC report as well as improving the experience of the people who use our services or work in it.’
An online survey has now been developed and we are keen to hear from women, fathers, partners, their families, maternity/childbirth charities and representatives, commissioners and General Practitioners.
Nicky Mason Senior Midwife said ‘We are working hard to improve our maternity service and it is vital that we are able to capture as many experiences as possible so that we can really begin to understand our service and what we need do to improve it.’
The online questionnaire is available now until the end of December. A summary of findings and recommendations will be published in January 2016.