Tell us your experience of using pharmacy services

July 2, 2024

Healthwatch routinely carries out short surveys to gather the views of people about health and social care services.  This month we’re keen to understand your experiences of using pharmacy services.

Our survey will only take a few minutes to complete and your personal data is protected and treated securely (see below). The survey closes on 30th July.


Pharmacy Services

The pharmacy service has recently changed meaning that highly trained pharmacists are able to assess and treat patients for seven conditions without the need for an appointment or prescription. This is called ‘Pharmacy First’ and an explanation is available on the NHS website here. You can also read more on the Healthwatch website.

Completing our poll

Healthwatch in Sussex as the local independent watchdog for health and care would like to hear about your most recent experience of using pharmacy services, to see how these are working and how it could be improved.

  • Which pharmacy services you have used, or tried to use?
  • How well did services meet your needs?
  • What you’d improve?
Our six-question poll is quick and easy only taking 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Access it by clicking the link below.


Any information that you give will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

You can read our privacy policy here.

Contact Us
For more information or for help with completing the poll please get in touch.
Telephone: 0333 101 4007 Monday – Friday (10am – 2pm)

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For detail on how we use your data please view our privacy policy here.