Your views about GP services in Sussex
Healthwatch in Sussex is asking for your views about getting support from your GP, including what you think about remote (non face-to-face) appointments.
Our short five minute survey can be completed here:
Some questions will ask you to think about the time since the Covid pandemic (from March 2020). We ran a similar survey in 2020 and want to see if people’s views have changed.
We help to improve health and social care services across the area by listening to people, and using this to influence people who fund services.
There is also an opportunity to enter a prize draw to win one of three £25 High-Street vouchers and volunteer for a follow-up phone call to discuss your views further.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the survey please contact info@healthwatchbrightonandhove.co.uk
All findings are treated in the strictest confidence. For details of our privacy policy please click here.
Thank you for taking part!