In July 2024, the three Healthwatch teams in Sussex sought your experiences of using pharmacy services.

This was due to the recent expansion in services provided by pharmacies and the launch of ‘Pharmacy First’ in January 2024 which you can read more about here

By Healthwatch in Sussex
Healthwatch in Sussex

We heard:

483 people from across Sussex shared their views with us. We heard:

  • Many respondents were aware of the new services offered by pharmacies. For example, over 50% of respondents knew they could get a flu vaccine and a blood pressure check at a pharmacy and access support for sore throats and earaches.
  • Uptake of new pharmacy services by respondents was generally lower than their levels of awareness, ranging from 2-12% with flu vaccinations the highest at 28%.
  • If respondents had not used the services offered by pharmacies, the majority would go to either a GP (82%) or a nurse at their local surgery (38%) instead. Nearly a third (30%) would also use 111 services.
  • Respondents were generally very satisfied with the services offered by pharmacies.
  • However, 62% of respondents had been affected by a lack of available medication in pharmacies and 28% by pharmacy opening hours.


Respondents to our poll told us:


Pharmacies are too busy 

“Less queuing, I have changed pharmacies as my original one was just too busy”.

“The first time I tried to use the service [..] the wait time was so long I gave up and left after
nearly 1 hour – when there were still three people waiting in front of me.”

“More pharmacies are needed as I’ve seen queues outside the door at times”


They experienced problems with the dispensing of medication

“More staff dispensing prescriptions as often not ready when we go to collect them – we have
to leave it 3 days before collecting. They are very busy”

“When medication is ordered at the pharmacy I use, it can take anything up to ten days
before it’s available. When it’s regularly ordered meds, I find this extremely disturbing”


Longer/ more accessible opening hours would be appreciated

“Longer opening hours. Do NOT CLOSE at lunchtime. Open early and later – before/after work.”

“My local pharmacy (XXX) is excellent in all respects except that it closes on Saturdays, which
can be a problem if urgent prescriptions are required”.


Many people also had very positive things to say about their local pharmacy 

“[XXX Pharmacy] are a prime example of what a good chemist should be…. can’t fault them.”

“I think they do an amazing job, and my frequently used pharmacy are excellent in patient

“The pharmacy that I use is excellent and a model of good practice”.


Next steps

As the public champion for local health and care services, Healthwatch will continue to work in partnership with commissioners and providers to monitor the experiences of patients and the public in accessing health and care services locally and explore how ongoing improvements may be delivered.

We will share the attached report with East Sussex County Council, NHS Sussex, Healthwatch England and others to share this insight and encourage its incorporation into future initiatives.


Tell Us Your Experiences 

Please tell us your experiences of local health and care services via our Feedback Centre and let us know how this has been for you. 

We want to hear if it has been good, bad or indifferent.


Help and support with Health and Care 

If you need help or support related to health or care, then please contact our Information & Signposting Service via 

0333 101 4007 or 

View the report

Click the link below to download the report

Healthwatch in Sussex - Experiences of Pharmacy Services Download File (pdf 89.33 KB)

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