Irvine Unit Bexhill Hospital



Holliers Hill
Bexhill On Sea
East Sussex
TN40 2DZ


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Reviews (13)

Diabetic hypos

July 8, 2024
I had tel call 11.45 pm to say my husband has a hypo 1.2 given glucose wasn’t responding to treatment,they called for ambulance told he couldn’t go to hospital because they had put an restriction order on him saying he could only go to hospital if he has broken bones. The staff called for ambulance for a second time the same answer if they hadn’t managed to get him out of comer he would have been left to die.I was worried sick as no one answers the phone and they didn’t let me know what was going on.My daughter rang my granddaughter at 8pm as she lives nearby who with her toddler son went to the unit to find out what was going on fortunately he had recovered. But it was 8.40 before the phone was answered.we as a family had no idea about the restriction that was put on my husband or why they did it. I asked for a copy of this restriction order they say they have changed it they refused. I have also found out the nhs write these restriction orders Willy nilly. I think the public should be warned about what is going on within the nhs

Reply from Irvine Unit Bexhill Hospital

We realise how worrying it will have been for you when your husband was having a diabetic hypo and were sorry to learn of the events you describe. Please accept our sincere apologies for the added upset this situation caused you. Should you wish to discuss this matter further with a member of the Patient Experience Team, then please contact 0300 131 5309 or via email on and they can make some enquiries on your behalf into your husband's care.

Provider responded

Staff were wonderful

September 23, 2023
I came in with a broken ankle and the carers were so kind and tough!

Reply from Irvine Unit Bexhill Hospital

Thank you so much for your lovely feedback, which we will ensure is shared with the staff at Bexhill Irvine Unit. We hope you are making progress following your ankle injury.

Provider responded

Very poor as always understaffed

September 7, 2023
No communication on my progress. Appointment system needs a total overhaul as family/friends could rarely get through and when they did, staff were abrupt
Food diabolical and a few staff need training on patient compassion
Call bell often left unanswered during the day for up to 10 minutes
Yvette Sellens

Reply from Irvine Unit Bexhill Hospital

Dear Yvette, Thank you for your feedback and observations following your admission to the Irvine Unit. The Trust strives to provide a high standard of care to all our patients, and we are sorry this has not been your experience. Your comments have been shared with the Head of Nursing for Integrated Care, who has explained that the visiting process is changing meaning that friends and family will no longer need to book slots and we are exploring the use of mobile phones within the bays to support patient use. The Head of Nursing was also disappointed to receive your feedback around staff lacking in compassion, as this is one of the Trust's core values, which she will reiterate to staff. Your comments in terms of the catering provision will also be relayed to the Facilities Lead. However, should you wish to discuss your experience further with a member of the Patient Experience Team, then please contact 0300 131 5309 or email

Provider responded

Stroke patient on the Irvine Unit. Utterly ap

Stroke services
January 18, 2022
Utterly appalling experience. I have raised a formal complaint with the CQC. Senior nursing staff lack compassion and frankly ignorant when it comes to implementing COVID visiting guidelines. A reliance on Healthcare Assistants rather than fully qualified nursing staff. Matrons need training on how to manage distressed relatives who cannot visit their loved ones due to COVID. Rude, dismissive and callous. Terrible experience that has left my whole family completely devastated.

Reply from Irvine Unit Bexhill Hospital

Thank you for taking the time to leave some feedback about your experience, or that of a loved one, whilst admitted to the Irvine Unit at Bexhill Hospital; we do appreciate it.

The Trust has continually strived to provide a high standard of care to all patients, and support their relatives, through some of the most challenging and complex times of the last few years and indeed, in the 74 year history of the NHS as a whole, and so we are sorry to read of your concerns with the COVID visiting restrictions that were in place at the time of your feedback and how you found staff to be uncaring.

You will appreciate that as a responsible healthcare provider and in line with our infection control measures and national guidance, we have been committed to keeping patients (many of whom were frail or vulnerable), staff and visitors safe and minimising the risk of spread of COVID in all of its various mutations. This led to some very difficult decisions being made about visiting to our inpatient areas, and we recognise that this caused great worry and distress for everyone; patients, staff and visitors alike. We worked tirelessly to do whatever we could to facilitate contact and communication between patients and relatives, often in situations where staffing levels were reduced as a result of them or their families contracting COVID or being required by national guidance to isolate. It was a far from ideal situation, but our commitment to the care and safety of everyone was the overriding factor, and we eased visiting restrictions after careful monitoring as soon as it was safe to do so.

We are sorry that you felt the use of Healthcare Assistants (HCA's) superseded qualified staff however, there may have been valid, logistical and safety reasons for this. Equally, we are sorry if you felt staff were rude or uncaring as this does not reflect the Trust values. If you have not already done so, you may wish to consider raising a complaint about your experience so we can explore these issues directly with you. You can reach the Complaints Team at

We hope this is of help and apologise for the experience you have described.

Provider responded

My mum was sent here for rehab care

Stroke services
December 13, 2021
The care she received was terrible. No respect or dignity and lack of compassion. She had a stroke and was sent here for rehab. The staff after a while, showed no remorse, they treated my mum with out any respect. At night my dear mum would call out I can't breath,they didn't believe her. They thought she was a nuisance . Even the doctors who worked at this hospital didn't see the signs my mum was actually suffering from heart failure. She ended up going to the Conquest where they tried to save her,she died a few days later.

Reply from Irvine Unit Bexhill Hospital

Thank for you taking the time to leave us some feedback about the care and treatment your mum received on the Irvine Unit at Bexhill Hospital; please accept our very belated, but nevertheless genuine, condolences.

The Trust strives to provide a high standard of care and treatment to all patients, and so we are very concerned and sorry to read this is not the experience your mum had prior to her death on transfer to Conquest Hospital. We apologise for the concern and distress this matter caused you, your mother and your family both at the time, and undoubtedly still till this day.

It would appear from your feedback that an investigation via a formal complaint might be helpful in looking at your concerns and if you have not already so but would like to, you can reach our Complaints Team at to discuss this in more detail.

In the meantime, we hope you and your family are well and able to cherish the many wonderful and undoubtedly fond memories you have of your mum .

Provider responded

No COVID19 boosters for vulnerable

Stroke services
November 24, 2021
My husband has been at the Irvine since 1 Sept 2021 following a life changing stroke. His left side is paralized. He was due his booster on 24.09.2021 received a second invitation for a booster. I informed the Irvine by giving them the appointment letter and requested to arrange for it at the Irvine. I was informed they are powerless to arrange it. There are at least another 20 vulnerable long-term patients. I wrote to my MP and the Chief Executive of the Trust. My MP will raise the issue with the CCG. Als tthe Irvine said the cannot arrange for a flu jab either! It beggars belief that a hospital should not have the means to look after vulnerable long-term patients in its care. This is just a repeat of the thousands of vulnerable people dying of COVID last year, Al the talk by politicians about the importance of having your booster is just window dressing.
Brigitte Aubey-Mundel

Awful nursing staff

Stroke services
May 15, 2019
Treat patients as an inconvenience, rude to relatives

My father was on end of life care

Geriatric Medicine
August 3, 2017
My dad was on end of life care, as we live in Bexhill they took him from the Conquest. I cannot express how fantastic they were with him, right from the domestic staff to the matron, he was treated with respect and dignity and died there with absolutely no pain, which was all we could ask for. Fantastic place

We are very lucky

July 27, 2017
I had to visit the unit a few months ago and couldn't have asked for a better service.

Marvellous care following a stroke

June 18, 2017
i was very frightened after my stroke and unsure of my recovery prospects. In 4 weeks at the Unit, the very special and compassionate team there built my confidence and increased my knowledge of the condition and how to make the maximum recovery that I can. Thank you so much.
Ray Winter

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