CCG helps Hastings GP patients get online

March 23, 2017

Would you like an easy way to book GP appointments and order repeat prescriptions online?

NHS Hastings and Rother Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS England will be running a special event in Hastings to raise awareness about GP Online Services, and how local people can sign up.

The team will be in the foyer of Station Plaza, Hastings from 10am on Thursday 23 March with information and advice about GP Online Services, which are free to access on computer, tablet or smartphone using a website or an app, allowing you to:

  • Book and cancel appointments with your doctor or nurse online when it suits you
  • Order repeat prescriptions online
  • Look at part of your GP records online

The team will be on hand to answer questions and help people fill in registration forms on the day. Alternatively the forms can be taken away, completed at home and taken into people’s own GP practices.

More facts about GP Online Services:

  • Online access is rapidly growing in popularity – across the south of England 2.5 million appointments have been made and cancelled in the nine months between 1 April last year and the end of December 2016.
  • Over 95% of practices in the south east are now offering GP Online Services.
  • You can register for GP Online Services by visiting your GP surgery, or find out more on the NHS Choices website at

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