Do you want to have a say on how you think your NHS Health Data should be shared?
Researchers from the CLIMB Project team (Clinical Informatics for Mind and Brain Health) based at the University of Cambridge would like to know your views on health data sharing.
Health data is information collected in the course of health care provided by the NHS. It is used to provide care, and sometimes also for research to improve care for others. However, there are ways of controlling how health data is used.
The team are looking for men and women aged 16 or over (or under 16 with parental permission), who currently live in the UK, to visit our website and take part in an anonymous online survey about health data sharing.
The team have found that the survey takes on average between 15 and 20 minutes to complete but you can take a break in the middle if you prefer, and all questions have a prefer not to say option. T
here is the optional opportunity to leave an email address at the end should you wish, to receive the results of the survey when it has finished. The survey will close at the end of September 2020.
Further details, including an online version of the information leaflet is available on the front page of the teams website www.climbproject.org.uk where one ‘click’ will take you to the actual survey. We are hoping to gather over 20,000 responses from across the UK.
It is important for our research that you tell us where you heard about the survey, but only if you are happy to do so. When asked ‘we would like to know where you heard about this survey..’ please tick the ‘Hospital/Clinic/Ambulance/Healthcare community setting, other healthcare provider’ box and when prompted click [Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust]