Getting medicines delivered if you need to
Information on what options are available
Do you know how you would get your medicines delivered if you were self isolating, there was a local lockdown or you are a resident who needs to shield? Here’s what you need to know…
- Ask family friends and neighbours first
In the first instance you are advised wherever possible to ask friends, family or neighbours to collect on your behalf. Here is some advice for those collecting prescriptions
If this is not possible, there are some ways in which you can arrange for your medicines to be delivered to you.
- Does your pharmacy have a delivery service?
By checking the NHS website “Find a Pharmacy Service” (see: https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-pharmacy/). This location based service lists all pharmacies nearby.
Each entry has a tab called ‘Departments and Services’. If the pharmacy provides a delivery service it should be listed here. Patients will need to check with their pharmacy if this is a free service, or not, and be prepared to pay a small fee for this service.
- What other ways can I arrange to have my medicine delivered?
There are national and local volunteers who are on hand to help those that are unable to get their medicines. Here’s who to contact:-
- The NHS Volunteer Scheme can arrange for volunteers to pick up your medicines and deliver them to you. Find out if you’re eligible for support from the NHS Volunteer Responders programme by calling 0808 196 3646(8am to 8pm, 7 days a week). Or visit their website https://nhsvolunteerresponders.org.uk/services
Local Lockdown and pharmacy services for shielded residents
The Government’s shielding support package — which included the pandemic delivery service and food packages from local authorities — ended in August. However if areas become Local Outbreak Areas (areas where COVID cases are rising and local restrictions are put in place) then the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has the powers to extend the pandemic delivery service requirements for shielded patients who live in local outbreak areas.
NHS England will notify those pharmacies where/if this applies. Pharmacies will then provide an NHS funded pandemic delivery service to shielded patients only within given timescales.
A plea from local pharmacies
To make sure that pharmacies can continue to supply the medicines and products that people need here are some things pharmacies are asking residents to do:
- Don’t stockpile – order medicines and purchase products as normal. There are enough medicines for everyone, so long as everyone only orders the prescriptions and buys the medicines they really need.
Avoid pharmacies if you have symptoms – please can we ask you that if you are showing symptoms of COVID-19: If you have a dry, persistent cough, fever or shortness of breath, please don’t go to your local pharmacy