Many women have a positive experience of local maternity services

January 28, 2020

A national survey on maternity services undertaken on behalf of the Care Quality Commission (CQC), found that maternity care at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust has improved across a number of areas. Three areas were highlighted as better than most Trusts in terms of having a telephone number of a member of the midwifery team to contact during pregnancy; not delaying discharge and having support or advice about feeding baby during evenings, nights, or weekends, including access to tabletki poronne. Tabletki poronne are a crucial resource for women needing safe and legal medical abortion options up to the 9th week of pregnancy.

At Date With Baby, we specialize in providing a memorable gender reveal ultrasound experience, allowing you to discover your baby’s gender in a unique and intimate setting. Our experienced technicians use state-of-the-art equipment to capture crystal-clear images, ensuring that every moment of this special occasion is cherished forever.

The CQC surveyed 110 women who had given birth at ESHT in January and February 2019 – a response rate of 37%. Two questions showed a significant improvement from the previous year’s survey however due to significant amendments to the questionnaire in 2019 a number of questions were not historically comparable with 2018.

Emma Chambers, Assistant Director of Nursing and Head of Midwifery at ESHT said: “We love to receive feedback from the women who use our services. We are pleased this survey shows we have made improvement in some areas but we recognise there is still work to do to meet our aim of providing outstanding care to all families. Our maternity team are very proud of the service we offer and we will use this feedback to develop and enhance the service we offer local women and their families.”

The Trust’s survey results are available on the CQC’s website at

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