Each quarter we draw together public and patient experiences of health and care shared with us via enquiries to our Information & Signposting service, reviews on our Feedback Centre, public events and through our community and professional networks.

This document is a summary of the things we have heard about health and care, the issues we are monitoring and the actions we are taking.

By Healthwatch East Sussex
Engagement Information and Signposting

What we are hearing, monitoring and doing?


What we are hearing

We hear lots about health and care. This section summarises the headline themes and issues that we have heard from the public and patients during the last quarter. It doesn’t include everythng we hear, but is a snapshot of the most common or more significant issues brought to our attention in the last three months.

It highlights where we have heard this, whether it is a new or existing issue and what steps we are or may take in response.

What we are monitoring

Some health or care themes we hear about on a regular and ongoing basis. Other themes we don’t hear anything about, but we know they may be having an impact on people’s experiences.

We have listed the headline themes we are monitoring, some of which we have already undertaken projects on and others we are considering for future projects.

What we are doing

Our workplan for the future sets out our projects and engagement activities for the next quarter. This may include some that have already started or others that have yet to begin. Our work is driven by what we hear, so tell us your experience and help guide our workplan.

As well as these initiatives, we will continue our regular day-to-day work in supporting people with their health and care enquirers, gathering feedback and insight on health and care themes and championing public and patient voice with decision-makers.

Recent publications

Our report includes a quick and easy to access list of the reports we have published during the last quarter.

Older reports are available on our reports page.


Tell Us Your Experiences 

Please tell us your experiences of local health and care services via our Feedback Centre and let us know how this has been for you. 

We want to hear if it has been good, bad or indifferent.


Help and support with Health and Care 

If you need help or support related to health or care, then please contact our Information & Signposting Service via 

0333 101 4007 or enquiries@healthwatcheastsussex.co.uk 

View the report

Click the link below to download the report

HWES - What we are hearing - Q2 (July to September) 2023-24 Download File (pdf 534.87 KB)

Related Reports

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Each quarter we draw together public and patient experiences of health and care shared with us via enquiries to our Information & Signposting service, reviews on our Feedback Centre, public events and through our community and professional networks.

This document is a summary of the things we have heard about health and care, the issues we are monitoring and the actions we are taking.

Engagement Information and Signposting
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From these, we identify the services that people have commented on, the key themes and experiences we have heard and provide an overview of how we have used this information to help inform changes.

We share this information with you and with Health and Care providers to help develop and improve services.

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