A&E Eastbourne District General Hospital



Kings Drive
East Sussex
BN21 2UD


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Reviews (38)

Had kidney stones. worse experience ever.

November 22, 2023
Had kidney stones went to The a&e with my brother at 10am was seen hours later, got out of hospital at 8pm. and all they did was give me a script for some pain killers then sent me on my way. had to wait 2 months for a appointment for someone to remove the stones..

Worse a&e i have ever been to.

Reply from A&E Eastbourne District General Hospital

We are sorry to hear of your experience and for the delays you encountered when attending the Emergency Department at Eastbourne District General Hospital. Your comments were shared with the Head of Nursing who apologises for the long waiting time you endured. If you would like us to investigate why you were not provided with further tests or investigations upon this presentation please contact the Patient Experience Team, on 0300 131 4784 or email esh-tr.PatientExperience@nhs.net, who will assist you with this.

Provider responded

Shockingly long time spent in A&E 11 hrs

November 20, 2023
Nov 3rd My 92 Yr old mother and I waited 10 hours in A&E to be seen by doctor. Younger rude receptionist replaced by lovely older receptionist later helped us out after we threatened to leave after 8hrs. Poor facilities and seating. The A&E screen said "4 hour" wait and that the Elderly and Children will be given priority, this was not the case. Appalling experience.

Reply from A&E Eastbourne District General Hospital

We are sorry to learn of your experience when attending the Emergency Department at Eastbourne District Hospital with your mother. Your comments were shared with the Head of Nursing who apologises for the long wait your mother endured, as this is not what we would wish, but regrettably the department was clinically challenged that day. We are also sorry to hear that a receptionist was rude to you as this is not how we would expect our staff to behave. This matter will be addressed with the Reception Lead. We are aware there is currently an issue with the waiting time screen, and this is being looked at by the Communications Team as we recognise it is vital that patients are given accurate information. Once again, please accept our apologies for your mother's experience and if you would like to discuss this matter further with a member of the Patient Experience Team, then please contact 0300 131 4784 or email esh-tr.PatientExperience@nhs.net

Provider responded

Poorly organised no-one in charge

November 6, 2023
The physical layout of the A&E reception is poorly designed for starters, the computer system apparently are down and no one obviously in charge so no clear way of getting a very elderly patient seen in anything like a reasonable time, organise the seating, allocate places in the assessment queue with paper tickets at least,

Reply from A&E Eastbourne District General Hospital

We are sorry to read your comments regarding your experience of the Emergency Department at Eastbourne District General Hospital, which has been shared with the Head of Nursing. We are aware there have been issues with our electronic triage system but we have now improved our signage and during certain hours we have a volunteer and a navigator who helps patients book in and orientate them to the area. We apologise this was not your experience and should you wish to discuss this matter further with a member of the Patient Experience Team, then please contact 0300 131 4784 or email esh-tr.PatientExperience@nhs.net

Provider responded

8 hour wait in A&E - shocking

October 30, 2023
It is ridiculous to wait over 8 hours in A&E to be seen. No communication, nothing. Cramped seating, no updates, when I asked a very bored receptionist after 5.5 hours how much longer, I got a rude response, 8 hours. Waiting times on TV changed from 5 to 7 hours straight after I asked the question.

Reply from A&E Eastbourne District General Hospital

Please accept our apologies that you had such an extended waiting time when you attended the Emergency Department at Eastbourne District General Hospital, as this is not what we would wish. Your experience has been relayed to the Head of Nursing for Emergency Care at Eastbourne, who was also disappointed to learn that you were not kept updated, which will be highlighted to the team. It is recognised that the waiting times being displayed on the screen in the waiting room was an issue, however, since your attendance this has now been resolved. We would once again like to apologise for your poor experience, and should you wish to discuss this matter further with a member of the Patient Experience Team, then please contact 0300 131 4784 or email esh-tr.PatientExperience@nhs.net

Provider responded

Seen quickly, friendly and kind staff.

October 29, 2023
I arrived feeling scared and was made to feel safe as soon as I saw the triage nurse. The HCA who did my ECG and took blood was lovely. Went through to a cubicle and the nurse and matron were so reassuring and everything was done quickly. The first 2 Drs were amazing and the whole time I felt like I was being looked after, even though everyone was busy. In resus a new team of drs, nurses and an anaesthetist talked me through what was going to happen and I felt like I was in very safe hands the whole time. This was the first time this had happened to me so I was scared but I think everyone soon picked up on the fact that sense of humour was key to keeping me on an even keel! Thank you everyone.

Reply from A&E Eastbourne District General Hospital

Dear Kim, Thank you for taking the time to leave your review regarding your attendance to the Emergency Department at Eastbourne District General Hospital, as it is really appreciated. We are pleased to learn that staff treated you with kindness and provided you with reassurance especially when you were feeling so scared. It is also reassuring to hear that your treatment was timely and your kind words will be shared with the team.

Provider responded

One receptionist should not be there

October 16, 2023
Called 999 for our daughter who was struggling to breath. Ambulance arrived and where amazing, found out they were from Worthing and had to help over in Eastbourne. They said our daughter had croup and was given steroids to help but just to be safe they would bring her in to Eastbourne DGH for general observation. When we arrived the receptionist said to the ambulance team that they shouldn't of brought her here and they don't treat children at this hospital. The ambulance driver said to the receptionist what kind of hospital is this if you don't treat children. Then the receptionist said we will do this for now but children shouldn't be here. When we walked into the kids waiting room which is hilarious if they don't treat children, there were other children younger than our daughter so clearly this was rubbish. Also receptionist shouldn't be the ones informing us of this that's not their job. By the time our daughter was seen she was fast asleep and exhausted so the doctor struggled to do the checks he needed to do as our daughter would just have a meltdown. We understand that it would be better to be in Hastings but my partner was at home with our other daughter who was asleep so how would we have got home as taxi drivers request that we have a child car seat so that's something you can't take with on an ambulance with a stroller and a 1 year old. So Eastbourne which is closer is easier for us. We found out a few days later that there is a pediatrician at Eastbourne but finishes at 10pm, why didn't the receptionist say that when we arrived instead of being rude and saying they don't treat children. I'm sure A&E can be a stressful job with long wait times but just some decent respect to patients is clearly common sense. Sadly Eastbourne DGH haven't changed even before the pandemic and it's a shame really

Reply from A&E Eastbourne District General Hospital

Dear David, Thank you taking the time to provide feedback. We were sorry to learn of the interactions involving a member of our Reception Team, and realise this will have added to your overall anxiety when your daughter was ill. Your comments have been shared with the Head of Nursing for Emergency Care at Eastbourne, who wishes to apologise for your experience, which she will be discussing with the Reception Lead. Whilst we do treat children at Eastbourne District General Hospital, the pathway for paediatric patients arriving by Ambulance is to go to the Conquest Hospital, however, we appreciate that if the crew were out of area they may not have been aware of this. We do have Paediatric Nurses on duty during the day who finish at 10.00pm and outside of these areas, they can discuss cases over the telephone. Once again, please accept our apologies and if you would like to discuss this matter further with a member of the Patient Experience Team, then please contact 0300 131 4784 or email esh-tr.PatientExperience@nhs.net

Provider responded

Patient comfort and safety compromised

October 16, 2023
It was near freezing outside in Eastbourne today and there was no heating in the hospital. My 80 year old husband who is being treated for cancer wore 5 layers of clothing to try and keep warm. No heaters or warm blankets were on offer. Not acceptable!
Francesca Delescluse

Reply from A&E Eastbourne District General Hospital

Dear Francesca, We are sorry to learn that the heating was not on when your husband attended the Emergency Department at Eastbourne District General Hospital. This has been highlighted to the Assistant Director of Facilities, who has asked the Deputy Director of Estates to review the heating. Staff are able to provide blankets to patients as and when required and we are sorry that staff did not realise how cold your husband was. Please accept our apologies for your husband's poor experience and if you would like to discuss this matter further with a member of the Patient Experience Team, then please contact 0300 131 4784 or email esh-tr.PatientExperience@nhs.net

Provider responded

No out hours treatment urgent eye complaints

August 29, 2023
I was diagnosed with PSS (Posner Schlossman Syndrome) 30 years ago and have not had a further reoccurrence until this weekend. At the time I had never heard of MECS (Minor Eye Clinics Services)....but even this does not help for out of hours treatments)
I knew I had a high IOP in my left eye.....severe head ache, nausea, severe pain at back of eye rainbow halo, so went to my local A&E. I was triaged within an hour and then left sitting for further 6 hours. Finally seen by a consultant at 11pm who did not have training in eyecare and had not heard of PSS before. He contacted the on call eye doctor who advised they would contact the hospitals eye department in the morning for an emergency appointment. No urgency by anyone. Received a call in morning, who advised of an appointment at 3pm. Once I received this specialist care, things moved swiftly. An IOP pressure test, revealed a reading of 20 in my good eye and 67 in my bad eye....initially 30 years ago it was 80. I was seen by the opthalmic doctor who had not seen PSS before, so she consulted with the lead consultant who quickly dealt with my problem and I was prescribed 3 drops and a tablet to administer at home. I was seen 2 days later and my IOP was now down to 11 and am going to be seen again in 2 weeks time.

I am thoroughly disgusted with the NO treatment available from my local hospital Eastbourne DGH during out of hours times and the lack of knowledge and sense of urgency with dealing with a high IOP problems.
There is even a yellow triangle with 'major red flags' on the wall and I even pointed this out to the consultant who saw me after 6 hour wait. I fitted every red flag symptom.

Reply from A&E Eastbourne District General Hospital

We were sorry to learn of your experience when you attended the Emergency Department and that your eye symptoms were not treated with any sense of urgency, as we fully recognise how concerning this will have been to you. Your feedback has been shared with the Assistant Director of Nursing for Urgent Care and the Clinical Lead for Urgent Care and a learning from concerns communication has been shared with the medical and nursing staff in the Emergency Department around Posner-Schlossman Syndrome (PSS), which details what this is, the presentation, examination and what the plan should be, which we hope helps to reassure you that this matter has been taken seriously. However, should you wish to discuss your experience further with a member of the Patient Experience Team, then please contact 0300 131 4784 or email esh-tr.PatientExperience@nhs.net

Provider responded

Was ok

August 15, 2023
No understanding or compassion for those with neurodivergence, or less known health conditions
Always feels 'dismissive' at EDGH, like they feel you are wasting their time.

Waiting room a nightmare, noisy (and overwhelming and eventually distressing for someone with autism, adhd ... other) , not enough seating, when staff are calling patient names they can barely be heard over the noise - especially if the staff member barely leaves their doorway or have a quieter voice
Saw an elderly frail gentleman, clearly in pain wandering up and down trying to get the attention of someone - he was curtly told to go sit back down by a nurse and then the receptionist (when he approached them) sounded impatient.

Some staff clearly a lot more of a sunnier disposition than others (fully appreciate they do a tough job and must get fed up during the day)

I know it's a small space but could really do with a quieter area for those with sensory/ND (or even dementia etc) and perhaps a small childrens' space.

Reply from A&E Eastbourne District General Hospital

Thank you for your feedback and observations following your attendance to the Emergency Department. The Trust strives to provide a high standard of care to all our patients, and we are sorry this has not been your experience. We were also disappointed to receive your feedback around staff attitude and that you have found them to be dismissive towards you, as this is certainly not the perception we would wish any patient to have of our staff. Your comments have been shared with the Assistant Director of Nursing for Urgent Care, who has asked that your feedback is reflected upon in the weekly team brief. Should you however wish to discuss your experience further with a member of the Patient Experience Team, then please contact 0300 131 4784 or email esh-tr.PatientExperience@nhs.net

Provider responded

Recent xray, radiologist unable to explain

June 18, 2023
As I don`t know the experience of the radiologist perhaps not fair to add information at this stage.

Reply from A&E Eastbourne District General Hospital

Thank you for your feedback following your recent x-ray. We do hope you have now had the findings of your recent x-ray communicated to you by the clinician who referred you, in line with the normal process. However, if you would like to discuss this matter further with a member of the Patient Experience Team, then please contact 0300 131 4784 or email esh-tr.PatientExperience@nhs.net

Provider responded
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