Eastbourne Listening Tour: The Big ‘Health and Care’ Question Time
For two weeks from the 15th October, Healthwatch East Sussex engaged with residents, community groups and professionals across Eastbourne as part of its 2022 Listening Tour.
As part of our programme, we organised a ‘live’ question time event where people could questions on health and care issues to a panel of key decision-makers and service providers.

Our goal was to provide our invited panellists and the public with opportunities to:
- Hear from local people about their burning issues and ‘Hot Topics’
- Respond to the big health and care questions
- Share organisational plans and aspirations
Our Question Time Panel
Our panellists included:
- Joe Chadwick-Bell, Chief Executive, East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
- Jessica Britton, Executive Managing Director for East Sussex, NHS Sussex
- Samantha Williams, Assistant Director, Adult Social Care, East Sussex County Council
- Steve Hare, Chief Executive, Age UK East Sussex and Vice-Chair East Sussex VCSE Alliance
- Amy Galea, Chief Primary Care Officer, NHS Sussex
- Cllr David Tutt, Leader, Eastbourne Borough Council
We will publish an overview of the discussions in a brief report soon, so please check back on this website page.
Contact Us
For enquiries about the Listening Tour and the activities we undertook please contact:
Anna Hoad, Community Engagement Officer or
Elizabeth Mackie, Volunteer and Community Liaison Manager, via