Latest Reports

Listening to our communities


This document draws together the key findings, priority areas and actions raised by local mental health service users, based on a set of listening events.

This report includes detailed feedback from partners to the thirteen key findings that were shared with them. These include East Sussex County Council and Sussex Partnership NHS Trust who have the statutory responsibilities for these services.

By Healthwatch East Sussex
Mental Health

Reducing stigma: HIV awareness training for staff working in a health or care setting.


This document summarises the key findings, recommendations and actions from a series of training sessions on HIV awareness delivered by Terrence Higgins Trust to a range of health and care staff in order to aim to reduce stigma experienced by people living with HIV.

By Healthwatch East Sussex

Better Beginnings Consultation


This document is an executive summary from East Sussex Community Voice (ESCV), of the key discussion points raised during three independent Question Time events, arranged by ESCV to support the Better Beginnings consultation.

By Healthwatch East Sussex
Hospital Maternity

NHS Trolley Waiting times – to what extent does this issue impact on local people?


The purpose of this review is to gain a level of understanding an insight as to what extent, the national issue of NHS Trolley waiting times effects people in East Sussex.

By Healthwatch East Sussex

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