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Returning to Kendal Court: An independent review of the experiences of people living at Kendal Court in Newhaven
During a two-week period in August 2021, Healthwatch East Sussex undertook semi-structured interviews with 28 of the 42 residents living at Kendal Court at that time.
Engagement focused on gathering views and experiences on five core themes:
1. Residents’ experiences of living at Kendal Court
2. Residents’ experiences of being placed and arriving at Kendal Court
3. Issues affecting residents – practical, economic, social and health related
4. How, when and where support or help was sought, provided or accessed
5. Any changes that residents felt would help improve their experience
Qualitative responses and residents’ narrative was recorded during the engagement
process, analysed against the themes above, and cross-cutting issues identified.
This research was a follow-up to an earlier review of residents experiences at Kendal
Court, also carried out by East Sussex Community Voice [The host body of Healthwatch
East Sussex] in 2018.

Independent review of the support needs of residents living at Kendal Court, Newhaven
Brighton and Hove City Council (BHCC) commissioned ESCV to undertake an independent review of the support needs of residents placed at Kendal Court in Newhaven during October and December 2018. BHCC approached ESCV to carry out this study following a number of deaths at Kendal Court in the preceding months.
This review looks at how residents access services in and outside of their placing local authority and the extent to which living at Kendal Court [KC] has had an impact on their access to services
- adult social care 4
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