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Patient Transport Services in 2021 – how your views are helping to reshape services
In August 2020, Healthwatch in Sussex carried out its fourth review of Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (PTS).
In our latest report (attached below) we take the opportunity to describe:
- Some of the impact that your feedback and our subsequent reports had
- The work we have been doing on PTS since then.
- How your feedback and our reports have influenced a national review of PTS, which highlighted the importance of the service:
Healthwatch publishes people’s experiences of Patient Transport Services in Sussex
Sussex wide Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (PTS)
What patients and carers and some staff told us about how the service has changed.
The New Sussexwide Patient Transport Service
Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services in Sussex are provided by South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) since April 2017. The performance of the previous provider (from April 2016 – April 2017) was of great concern to patients, members of the public and organisations across the health and care system.
- adult social care 2
- annual event 2
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- Annual Reports 10
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- feedback centre 3
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- Healthwatch in Sussex 23
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- Information and Signposting 17
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- Patient Transport 4
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- You Said - We Did 13
- young healthwatch 3