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Experiences of the ‘Enhanced Health in Care Homes’ Programme
NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board (ICB) commissioned Healthwatch East Sussex (HWES) to carry out a pilot project to obtain feedback from residents in care homes about their access to healthcare and support services, with a particular emphasis on the Enhanced Health in Care Home scheme. This summary report identifies the key findings, recommendations and next steps.
Putting a Face to Unmet Need
Healthwatch East Sussex (HWES) has published the findings from its research into Putting a Face to Unmet Need, a new report on the unmet health and care needs of East Sussex residents. The report calls for better communication between local health and care services to provide a more integrated and holistic experience for service users.
- adult social care 2
- annual event 2
- annual report 0
- Annual Reports 10
- asylum seekers 1
- care 2
- Care Home 11
- children and young people 3
- Complaints 1
- COVID19 5
- Dentists 5
- emergency and temporary accommodation 1
- Engagement 13
- Enter and View 3
- ESHT 3
- feedback centre 3
- GP 7
- Healthwatch in Sussex 23
- Hospital 14
- hospital discharge 1
- housing 1
- Information and Signposting 17
- Kendal Court 2
- Listening Tour 4
- long COVID 2
- Maternity 3
- Mental Health 5
- Mystery Shopping 2
- NHS 111 1
- Outpatients 1
- Patient Transport 4
- Red Bus Tour 2
- Websites 1
- You Said - We Did 13
- young healthwatch 3