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2024-25 Listening Tour Area Report: Wealden
From May to August 2024, Healthwatch talked to people in Wealden about primary care, social isolation, social determinants of health, and what supports their wellbeing.

Rye Listening Tour – One Year On
We are delighted to share our Rye Listening Tour, One Year On Report.
Throughout September 2023 we conducted a Listening Tour across Rye and Rural Rother to meet people where they are and capture their experiences of local health and care.

Rye residents have their say about local health and care services: What we heard in our 2023 Listening Tour
Throughout September 2023, Healthwatch East Sussex conducted various engagement activities to engage with people from Rye and the surrounding villages to hear their experiences of health and social care.
As part of our activity, we also conducted Enter and Views at various care homes and carried out a mystery shop of GP surgery websites in and around Rye.
This report summarises everything people told us, as well as setting out our conclusions and recommendations for Healthwatch, health and care services and other local partners with the goal of supporting positive change.

Eastbourne residents have their say about local health and care services: What we heard in our 2022 Listening Tour
During two weeks in October 2022, Healthwatch East Sussex used its first face-to-face ‘Listening Tour’ since 2019 to engage with Eastbourne residents and communities to hear people’s experiences of health and social care.
Our report summarises everything people told us, as well as setting out our conclusions and recommendations for Healthwatch, health and care services and other local partners with the goal of supporting positive change.

High Weald Listening Tour
How residents in Crowborough, Heathfield, Wadhurst and surrounding areas experience health and care services as heard in June 2019

Hastings Listening Tour
A Healthwatch East Sussex (HWES) report on what people told us about health and care services in the Hastings area during our Listening Tour in October 2017.
- adult social care 4
- annual event 3
- annual report 0
- Annual Reports 10
- asylum seekers 1
- Cancer services 1
- care 3
- Care Home 12
- children and young people 4
- Complaints 1
- Cost of living 1
- COVID19 6
- Dentists 7
- emergency and temporary accommodation 1
- Engagement 14
- Enter and View 4
- Equality and Diversity 1
- ESHT 4
- feedback centre 4
- GP 8
- Healthwatch in Sussex 29
- Hospital 15
- hospital discharge 2
- housing 1
- Information and Signposting 18
- Kendal Court 2
- Listening Tour 6
- long COVID 2
- Maternity 3
- Mental Health 5
- Mystery Shopping 2
- NHS 111 1
- Outpatients 1
- Patient Transport 4
- Red Bus Tour 2
- Websites 1
- You Said - We Did 19
- young healthwatch 3