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What we heard about local Paediatric services: Enter and View Report 2024
In October 2023, Young Healthwatch East Sussex (HWES) undertook an ‘Enter and View’ review of the Paediatric Department at The Conquest Hospital in Hastings, operated by East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (ESHT).
As part of the process, we also undertook a ’15 steps challenge’ to understand what service users and carers experience when they first arrive in a healthcare setting.

Experiences of Bexhill Community Diagnostic Centre: Enter and View Report 2024
In February 2024, Healthwatch East Sussex (HWES) undertook an ‘Enter and View’ review of the Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) in Bexhill, operated by East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (ESHT) to investigate the on-the-ground experiences of patients and staff.
As part of the process, we also undertook a ’15 steps challenge’ to understand what service users and carers experience when they first arrive in a healthcare setting.
Setting up Community Diagnostic Centres (CDCs) is a flagship policy for the NHS and crucial part of the Elective Care Recovery Plan. CDCs aim to transform diagnostics in England by reducing the pressure on acute services, ringfencing resources for elective diagnostics, and increasing diagnostic capacity.

Enter and View findings from Care Homes in Rye and Rother
Throughout September 2023, Healthwatch East Sussex conducted various engagement activities to engage with people from Rye and the surrounding villages to hear their experiences of health and social care.
As part of our activity, we conducted ‘Enter and View’ visits at 19 care homes settings across Rye and Rother District. This report summarises our findings and recommendations.

Enter and View 2023: ESHT Emergency Departments and Urgent Treatment Centres
In August 2023, Healthwatch East Sussex undertook two 24-hour ‘Enter and View’ sessions in the Emergency Departments (EDs) and Urgent Treatment Centres (UTCs) located at Eastbourne District General Hospital and at The Conquest Hospital.
We observed their operation, reviewed the physical settings and engaged with staff and patients to understand their experiences, so we could identify what worked well and where changes may be helpful.
- adult social care 4
- annual event 3
- annual report 0
- Annual Reports 10
- asylum seekers 1
- Cancer services 1
- care 3
- Care Home 12
- children and young people 4
- Complaints 1
- Cost of living 1
- COVID19 6
- Dentists 7
- emergency and temporary accommodation 1
- Engagement 14
- Enter and View 4
- Equality and Diversity 1
- ESHT 4
- feedback centre 4
- GP 8
- Healthwatch in Sussex 30
- Hospital 15
- hospital discharge 2
- housing 1
- Information and Signposting 18
- Kendal Court 2
- Listening Tour 6
- long COVID 2
- Maternity 3
- Mental Health 5
- Mystery Shopping 2
- NHS 111 1
- Outpatients 1
- Patient Transport 4
- Red Bus Tour 2
- Websites 1
- You Said - We Did 20
- young healthwatch 3