Latest Reports > GP

GP Websites in Rye and Rother: Our Mystery Shopping findings


Throughout September 2023, Healthwatch East Sussex conducted various activities to engage with people from Rye and the surrounding villages to hear their experiences of health and social care.

As part of our activity, Healthwatch staff and volunteers carried out a ‘mystery shopping’ exercise of six GP surgery websites in and around Rye. This report summarises our findings and recommendations.

By Healthwatch East Sussex
GP Mystery Shopping

Eastbourne GP Surgeries Accessibility Audits 2023


Healthwatch East Sussex (HWES) are the local independent watchdog for health and social care services. We gather feedback from local residents, both good and bad, and make recommendations to change services for the better.

In March 2023 we published our 2022 Eastbourne Listening Tour Report. This report highlighted what we had heard from Eastbourne residents about the difficulties some faced when accessing their GP Surgery.

In response we designed a series of Accessibility Audits at GP surgeries to understand the local landscape, raise awareness and identify best practice.

By Healthwatch East Sussex

Mystery Shopping: Reviewing GP practice websites for Bexhill Primary Care Network


In May/June 2023, Healthwatch volunteers and staff reviewed a draft website for one of the three practices that make up Bexhill Primary Care Network [PCN].

Our aim was to was to undertake a ‘lay review’ and support Bexhill PCN in delivering an effective and engaging website which meets NHS, best practice and user requirements.

By Healthwatch East Sussex
GP Mystery Shopping Websites

Access to GP appointments across Sussex – public opinion


This Healthwatch in Sussex report assessed people’s views about accessing GP appointments.

A total of 851 people responded to an online survey. Some questions allowed us to see whether people’s views and experiences about remote GP appointments have changed two years since the pandemic began (by comparing some findings from a project undertaken in June 2020).

By Healthwatch in Sussex
GP Healthwatch in Sussex

Staff and Sussex Patients Views on Access to GP-Led Services


How was your experiencing of accessing GP led services during the pandemic?

We asked patients in Sussex this question. Read what you told us, what staff working in GP practices said, and NHS Sussex’s plans for improving access

By Healthwatch in Sussex
GP Healthwatch in Sussex

Mystery Shopping of GP websites and out-of-hours messages in East Sussex. How informative and accessible are they?


During October and November 2021, Healthwatch volunteers and staff reviewed all of the GP websites and out-of-hours phone messages across East Sussex for quality, clarity and presentation of information, with websites also assessed for ease of navigation. This report provides a summary of the findings, together with a number of recommendations.

By Healthwatch East Sussex

Healthwatch in Sussex Insight: Health and Care Pressures 2021


By Healthwatch in Sussex
GP Healthwatch in Sussex

Mystery Shopping: Making a complaint in your GP surgery


Between March and April 2014, East Sussex Community Voice, though its Healthwatch East Sussex functions carried out a mystery shopping exercise.

The aim was to explore what is the provision of complaints advice and information available in GP Surgeries across East Sussex

By Healthwatch East Sussex

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