Latest Reports > hospital discharge

Your experiences of Hospital Discharge


In September 2024, Healthwatch sought experiences of hospital discharge, the process of supporting people to leave hospital effectively after treatment. 

The hospital discharge process should ensure:

  • patients and the people most important to them are engaged in the process
  • transfer out of hospital is safe, appropriate, and timely
  • communication is clear on next steps and how to access support
By Healthwatch in Sussex
Healthwatch in Sussex hospital discharge

Experiences of Hospital Discharge in East Sussex


Healthwatch research shows mixed experiences of hospital discharge experiences during the pandemic 

Between February and April 2021 Healthwatch ran a short web-based survey to understand how the hospital discharge process was functioning during the third national ‘COVID-19’ lockdown.  

We focused our questions on capturing feedback living in East Sussex on four themes: 

  1. Positive aspects of the experience and those people felt could be improved?
  2. Whether people received all the information and support they needed?
  3. If people had any outstanding concerns?
  4. Anything people still needed help or support with
By Healthwatch East Sussex
hospital discharge

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