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‘You Said – We Did’ February 2025
We regularly review the experiences you told us through public events, surveys, Feedback Centre and Information & Signposting enquiries.
Healthwatch uses your feedback with health and care decision-makers to seek a positive difference, and this document sets out the issues you raised and any changes you have helped us to deliver during February 2025.

Your Experiences of NHS Dentistry
In January 2025, Healthwatch in Sussex sought people’s experiences of NHS Dentistry and received 595 responses to our poll.
We previously asked questions about NHS Dentistry in a poll in January 2023 and wanted to see if there had been any changes over the past two years.

Your Experiences of Cancer Screening
In December 2024, Healthwatch in Sussex sought experiences of bowel, breast and cervical cancer screening from people across Sussex.

Your experiences of Adult Social Care Services
In November 2024, Healthwatch in Sussex sought experiences of adult social care services in the last 12 months, or from their relatives, carers or friends.

Your experiences of Hospital Outpatient Appointment Letters
In October 2024, Healthwatch in Sussex sought experiences of hospital outpatient appointment letters, which are intended to give you clear information about your appointment and what to expect when you attend.

Your experiences of Hospital Discharge
In September 2024, Healthwatch sought experiences of hospital discharge, the process of supporting people to leave hospital effectively after treatment.
The hospital discharge process should ensure:
- patients and the people most important to them are engaged in the process
- transfer out of hospital is safe, appropriate, and timely
- communication is clear on next steps and how to access support

Your experiences of eye tests
In August 2024, the three Healthwatch teams in Sussex sought your experiences of of having your eyes tested.
Eye tests play a huge part in making sure your eyes stay healthy. The NHS recommends you should have your eyes tested every two years (more often if advised by your ophthalmic practitioner or optometrist). A detailed explanation of NHS eye tests is available on the NHS website.

Your experiences of using pharmacy services
This was due to the recent expansion in services provided by pharmacies and the launch of ‘Pharmacy First’ in January 2024 which you can read more about here

Your experiences of eConsult
In June 2024, Healthwatch sought experiences of eConsult which is a free online platform that allows you to get help and advice from your NHS GP practice.
You can use it to let a GP know about any symptoms, ask a question or follow up about something, either for your own health or on behalf of someone you care for.

Your experiences of being seen by a Physician Associate
In May 2024, Healthwatch in Sussex sought experiences of being seen by a Physician’s Associate.
A Physician Associate supports doctors in the diagnosis and management of patients. A detailed explanation of a Physician Associate is available on the NHS website.

Your experiences of the Memory Assessment Service (MAS) in Sussex
In April 2024, the three local Healthwatch in Sussex sought experiences of the Memory Assessment Service (MAS).
The Memory Assessment Service undertakes assessments of memory problems (including diagnosis of dementia) via a thorough review of cognition and effects on functioning.

Your experiences of Hospital Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS) in Sussex
In March 2024, the three local Healthwatch in Sussex sought experiences of Hospital ‘Patient Advice and Liaison Services’.
PALS provides a point of contact for patients, their families and their carers. They offer confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters.

Your experiences of ‘Patients Know Best’
In February 2024, the three local Healthwatch in Sussex sought people’s experiences of ‘Patients Know Best’ through a short web-based poll.
Patients Know Best is designed to create a single secure Personal Health Record where health/social care providers bring together patient information in one place. Patients can then access correspondence, test results and other features.

How Healthwatch has contributed to health and care in Sussex
This report provides an overview of the themes that the three Healthwatch in Sussex (Brighton &Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex) heard between June and September 2023, and the responses received from our health and care partners. A document summarising our recent publications is also provided.

Improving the Outpatient experience: Patient feedback from deliberative engagement workshops
Healthwatch in Sussex (a collaboration between Healthwatch Brighton and Hove, Healthwatch East Sussex, and Healthwatch West Sussex) were commissioned by the Outpatient Transformation Team at NHS Sussex to run workshops in April/May 2023 with the purpose of gaining participant views on new initiatives aimed at improving the Outpatient experience.
Our report sets out what we heard, the key themes and messages from participants, and our recommendations.

Patients in Sussex share their latest experiences of dentistry with Healthwatch
In January 2023, the three Sussex Healthwatch undertook a short poll to gather people’s recent experiences of accessing NHS dentistry.
60% of patients we heard from told Healthwatch they are not confident about their ability to access NHS dental services over the next 12 months

People’s Experiences of long COVID in Sussex
Long COVID is a legacy of the COVID virus for many people in Sussex, impacting on their day-to-day lives, as well as their physical and mental wellbeing.
To raise awareness of long COVID and the services available to support residents, as well as people’s preferences for assistance, the three local Healthwatch undertook a public survey during August and September 2022.

Access to GP appointments across Sussex – public opinion
A total of 851 people responded to an online survey. Some questions allowed us to see whether people’s views and experiences about remote GP appointments have changed two years since the pandemic began (by comparing some findings from a project undertaken in June 2020).

Staff and Sussex Patients Views on Access to GP-Led Services
How was your experiencing of accessing GP led services during the pandemic?
We asked patients in Sussex this question. Read what you told us, what staff working in GP practices said, and NHS Sussex’s plans for improving access

Staying Connected in the COVID-19 Pandemic: ‘2021 – One Year On’ Care Home Webinar Report
Healthwatch in Sussex publish the final report ending our series nine of webinars capturing relatives and family carers experiences visiting their loved ones in care homes during the pandemic.
‘Staying connected with relatives and loved ones in residential settings – One Year On’ hosted on the 9th November 2021 welcomed 42 attendees including health and care partners, regulators, providers and carers support organisations. Many of the family carers attended all nine webinars hosted throughout the year.
The webinars enabled family carers to:
- share their views and experiences with providers and health and care professionals, as well as
- receive timely updates on new guidance as it was implemented
- Raise the profile of Essential Carer role – nationally and locally
- Participate in Q & A sessions
- Access support; and
- So importantly, to have their voices heard
A video of the webinar is available to view here:
You can read the final report which provides a summary of the discussion and actions via the link below.
- adult social care 4
- annual event 3
- annual report 0
- Annual Reports 10
- asylum seekers 1
- Cancer services 1
- care 3
- Care Home 12
- children and young people 4
- Complaints 1
- Cost of living 1
- COVID19 6
- Dentists 7
- emergency and temporary accommodation 1
- Engagement 14
- Enter and View 4
- Equality and Diversity 1
- ESHT 4
- feedback centre 4
- GP 8
- Healthwatch in Sussex 30
- Hospital 15
- hospital discharge 2
- housing 1
- Information and Signposting 18
- Kendal Court 2
- Listening Tour 6
- long COVID 2
- Maternity 3
- Mental Health 5
- Mystery Shopping 2
- NHS 111 1
- Outpatients 1
- Patient Transport 4
- Red Bus Tour 2
- Websites 1
- You Said - We Did 20
- young healthwatch 3