Latest Reports

‘You Said – We Did’ September 2024


We regularly review the experiences you told us through public events, surveys, Feedback Centre and Information & Signposting enquiries.

Healthwatch uses your feedback with health and care decision-makers to seek a positive difference, and this document sets out the issues you raised and any changes you have helped us to deliver during September 2024.

By Healthwatch East Sussex

Your experiences of Hospital Discharge


In September 2024, Healthwatch sought experiences of hospital discharge, the process of supporting people to leave hospital effectively after treatment. 

The hospital discharge process should ensure:

  • patients and the people most important to them are engaged in the process
  • transfer out of hospital is safe, appropriate, and timely
  • communication is clear on next steps and how to access support
By Healthwatch in Sussex
Healthwatch in Sussex hospital discharge

Rye Listening Tour – One Year On


We are delighted to share our Rye Listening Tour, One Year On Report.  

Throughout September 2023 we conducted a Listening Tour across Rye and Rural Rother to meet people where they are and capture their experiences of local health and care.  

By Healthwatch East Sussex

Your experiences of eye tests


In August 2024, the three Healthwatch teams in Sussex sought your experiences of of having your eyes tested.

Eye tests play a huge part in making sure your eyes stay healthy. The NHS recommends you should have your eyes tested every two years (more often if advised by your ophthalmic practitioner or optometrist). A detailed explanation of NHS eye tests is available on the NHS website.

By Healthwatch in Sussex
Healthwatch in Sussex

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