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What we heard in Quarter 4 2022-23
Each quarter we collate and analyse what we have heard from the public and patients about health and care services.
Our quarterly report provides an overview of the enquiries that we have received via our Information & Signposting service, as well as the reviews that have been left on our Feedback Centre.
From these, we identify the services that people have commented on, the key themes and experiences we have heard and provide an overview of how we have used this information to help inform changes.
We share this information with you and with Health and Care providers to help develop and improve services.

What we heard in Quarter Three 2022-23
Each quarter we collate and analyse what we have heard from the public and patients about health and care services.
Our quarterly report provides an overview of the enquiries that we have received via our Information & Signposting service, as well as the reviews that have been left on our Feedback Centre.
From these, we identify the services that people have commented on, the key themes and experiences we have heard and provide an overview of how we have used this information to help inform changes.
We share this information with you and with Health and Care providers to help develop and improve services.

Information and Signposting Service: Enquiries during December 2022
The Healthwatch East Sussex Information and Signposting (I&S) Service helps people to access the right health or social care service or organisation for their needs.
Each month we feedback on the themes and issues people have contacted us about.
We share this information with you and with health and care providers to help develop and improve the services.

What we heard in August 2022: A Summary of Enquiries and Feedback Centre Reviews
Each month we feedback on the themes and issues people have contacted us about.
We share this information with you and with Health and Care providers to help develop and improve services.
Our monthly report provides an overview of the enquiries that we have received via our Information & Signposting service, as well as the reviews that have been left on our Feedback Centre.
From these, we identify the services that people have commented on, the key themes and experiences we have heard and provide an overview of how we have used this information to help inform changes.
- adult social care 4
- annual event 3
- annual report 0
- Annual Reports 10
- asylum seekers 1
- Cancer services 1
- care 3
- Care Home 12
- children and young people 4
- Complaints 1
- Cost of living 1
- COVID19 6
- Dentists 7
- emergency and temporary accommodation 1
- Engagement 14
- Enter and View 4
- Equality and Diversity 1
- ESHT 4
- feedback centre 4
- GP 8
- Healthwatch in Sussex 30
- Hospital 15
- hospital discharge 2
- housing 1
- Information and Signposting 18
- Kendal Court 2
- Listening Tour 6
- long COVID 2
- Maternity 3
- Mental Health 5
- Mystery Shopping 2
- NHS 111 1
- Outpatients 1
- Patient Transport 4
- Red Bus Tour 2
- Websites 1
- You Said - We Did 20
- young healthwatch 3